Sadie Scott

Accredited with a Masters in Flirting from Harvard Business School, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll charm you right out of your pants. Described by lovers as ‘so charismatic it should be illegal’, I do a good line in offhand quips and even lower cut tops. In short, I’m someone who’s fun to have around and even harder not to.

Let’s Set the Scene

Educated in the home counties, I’ve always had an affinity with London, it being but an inconvenient train-ride or two away. London was the place where all the fun was had with all the people I fancied. Peppered with dark corners for doing dark deeds, the lure of the metropolis finally had its way with me. It is now the place that you will find me living out the only doctrine I abide by- to live a life less ordinary.

Curiosity has taken me many places and armed me with many stories, some best shared over a Negroni or three. With a Theatre degree and Arts masters under my belt, it could be said that I know what I like. I’m a glutton for lengthy performances and getting lost in even lengthier conversation. Rebecca Solnit reckons ‘Never to get lost is not to live.’ Lucky for Solnit (and for you) I am an advocate for getting lost, particularly in the arms of another.

Another person, another place, but preferably both at the same time. I enjoy travelling with lovers, particularly to sunnier climes where I can gather a few freckles on my shoulders and go for obnoxiously early morning swims in the ocean. There’s nothing like a dry heat, complete disillusion with the concept of time and a smorgasbord of stuffed olives to encourage you to live with reckless abandon. And that is what I am here to do. 

Shall we get into it?

I’m a storyteller of sorts. Normally in extended voicenotes to patient friends or holed up in the back of a wood cladded pub, red wine loosely in hand, tongue firmly in cheek.

An empath, I’m one to turn down a page of book I think a friend may like, finding sentiments in others’ words, reminding me how lucky I am to have so many I care for.

I’m a lover of the excessive! Strolling around an artisanal market on a Saturday in October, buying a baker’s loaf, a brownie, overpriced olive oil, speciality tomatoes and truffle flecked brie for good measure. Marie Kondo would be happy to know- all this sparks great joy.

 As does: 

- The almost amniotic feeling of sheltering inside from a thunderstorm- central heating on, clothes off;

- Taking the scenic route;

- Anticipation: the feeling of a full Christmas stocking at the end of your bed, the day before the party, the eye contact, the inhale;

- Finding comfort in silence with a familiar someone;

- Organised possibilities: bookmarking restaurants once meandered past that look like they have high thread-count napkins and an eclectic choice of crockery; 

-The overuse of an exclamation mark!

- Things that feel erotic that aren’t meant to: the first stroke of (salted!) butter with a bone handle butter-knife, steam off the pour of a loose leaf tea, condensation on windows looking out onto a frosted lawn, the silence in an art gallery only interrupted by shuffles;

- Lists.